(515) 421-4773 [email protected]

Iowa Neurological Association Initiatives

The Iowa Neurological Association has established initiatives to increase interaction between neurology residents, medical students and neurologists.

Resident Lecture Series

Each fall, the Iowa Neurological Association invites residents to apply for the Resident Lectures Series. The INA Board chooses between qualified applicants to present to the attendees of the INA Annual Meeting. This is a great opportunity for residents to share significant research and clinical work of interest with the INA membership. Invited speakers are awarded with a certificate and honorarium.

Resident Tutoring Program

Beginning in 2017, INA, in partnership with the University of Iowa Health Neurology Residency Program, is pleased to support the Resident Tutoring Program. This program, open to both Iowa City and Des Moines clerkships, allows neurology residents to tutor medical students and is a unique way to introduce students to neurology earlier in their medical school experience. Initial results of the program has been incredibly complementary and shown measurable results in the student test scores. For residents, they are able to earn money towards their education fund. INA looks forward to the continued success of the program.

Iowa Neurological Association

(515) 421-4773

515 E. Locust St., Suite 400 Des Moines, IA 50309